Concise Minutes - Public Accounts Committee

Meeting Venue:

Committee Room 3 - Senedd

Meeting date: Monday, 20 November 2017

Meeting time: 14.00 - 15.40
This meeting can be viewed
on Senedd TV at:





Assembly Members:

Nick Ramsay AM (Chair)

Mohammad Asghar (Oscar) AM

Neil Hamilton AM

Vikki Howells AM

Adam Price AM


Katie Dalton, Cymorth Cymru

Enid Roberts, Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd

Stuart Ropke, Community Housing Cymru

Rhian Stone, Cymorth Cymru

Wales Audit Office:

Huw Vaughan Thomas – Auditor General for Wales

Matthew Mortlock

Committee Staff:

Fay Bowen (Clerk)

Claire Griffiths (Deputy Clerk)

Katie Wyatt (Legal Adviser)



1       Introductions, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest

1.1        The Chair welcomed the Members to the Committee.

1.2        Apologies were received from Rhianon Passmore AM and Lee Waters AM. There were no substitutes.

1.3        The Chair paid tribute to the late Carl Sargeant AM.



2       Paper(s) to note

2.1 The papers were noted.

2.2 The Committee agreed to seek further clarification from the Welsh Government on in-year funding for health boards and the findings of the Deloitte review of governance issues at Hywel Dda University Health Board as part of the NHS Finance (Wales) Act 2014. Regarding Senior Management Pay, the Committee noted that the Auditor General would report back following discussions with the Welsh Government.



2.1   Medicines Management: Additional information from the Welsh Government (30 October 2017)



2.2   Implementation of the NHS Finance (Wales) Act 2014: Correspondence from the Welsh Government (6 November 2017)



2.3   Senior Management Pay: Correspondence from the Welsh Government (8 November 2017)



3       The Welsh Government’s Supporting People Programme: Evidence Session 1

3.1 The Committee received evidence from Stuart Ropke, Chief Executive, Community Housing Cymru; Enid Roberts, Assistant Director, Customers and Communities, Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd; Katie Dalton, Director, Cymorth Cymru and Rhian Stone, Director of Care and Support at POBL Group & Cymorth Cymru Chair as part of its inquiry into The Welsh Government’s Supporting People Programme.



4       Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public from the meeting for the following business:

4.1 The motion was agreed.



5       The Welsh Government’s Supporting People Programme: Consideration of evidence received

5.1 Members considered the evidence received and agreed to write to the Cabinet Secretary for Finance with the concerns raised regarding the proposed removal of ring-fencing the Supporting People Programme budget and the impact this could have on vulnerable members of society.

5.2 Members noted that the Auditor General anticipates publishing a report on how local government manages demand for homelessness services early in the New Year which could be considered as part of this inquiry.
